Provincial Council Sister Jane Forni

Sister Jane C. Forni, SSND, M.S., M.S., Ed.D., born and reared in New York, converted to Catholicism when she was 16 years old. When she was appointed to the Council she was teaching dissertation seminars for education students at Notre Dame of Maryland University and online seminars for art therapy doctoral students at Mount Mary University. Previously, she had served as a case manager in a transitional housing program for women in Baltimore City.        

She received her B.S. in science education from Cornell University and her M.S. in administration from State University of New York where she researched change agent theory and practice in education. Sister Jane also has an M.S. in art therapy from Mount Mary University.

She earned her doctorate from the Teachers College at Columbia. S. Jane has also completed graduate-level coursework in journalism and communications.

Her professional experience includes academic administration, institutional research and fundraising in Catholic colleges and universities in New York, Maryland, and Wisconsin. She has worked as a president’s assistant in planning and institutional research and her experiences include grant writing, editing. She has served as learning center director, special admissions program director, assistant academic dean, registrar, graduate and evening school dean, and vice president for academic and student affairs.

Sister Jane’s social services positions include direct service to the disadvantaged and marginalized, conducting prayer services in nursing homes, volunteering as art therapist in a retirement and health care setting, working with the rural poor, community organizing in minority neighborhoods, educational counseling for homeless women, and home hospice visits and mental health assessments for dual diagnoses clients.

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