
At the General Chapter of 2012, the School Sisters of Notre Dame made a commitment “to live more simply and sustainably with one another and with all of creation.”

The Atlantic-Midwest Province responded with four concrete commitments, one of them is our water commitment. The Atlantic-Midwest Province is committed to the goal of universal access to clean water. 

As part of that commitment, our province engages in education and advocacy efforts regarding the spirituality and vitality of water around the world and how to protect it. We advocate changes such as the elimination of bottled water, straws, and other plastics that pollute the earth's water and the life depending upon it. We also support and learn from projects that provide life-giving access to water through our Water Initiative in Haiti.

Follow this link to learn more about Water, Global Warming, and Climate Change

More information about our commitment to water:

Laudato Si - Click here to Download Pope Francis' encyclical on the environment and human ecology 

For the text of Laudato Si click here

For a summary of Laudato Si click here

Top 10 Takeaways of Laudato-Si

What you can do:

AMSSND Canada and Water

AMSSND U.S. and Water

Climate Crisis and Water: Impact on our World

Love Gives Everything reminds us of our Constitution, paragraph 9 and General Directory, paragraph 19a, “As the desire of Jesus that all may be one becomes more fully our own, our striving for unity embraces all humanity and the whole of creation” and “Because the earth and its resources are God’s gift to all humanity, we are reverent, just, and sparing in our use of created things, concerned for the needs of present and future generation.”

Water for Sale

So, who owns water? Our oceans? Our lakes? Our rivers? In most cases, actually no one! On the other hand, who owns our drinking water? Corporate giants are buying up global water resources and charging for the right of human access to drinking water.

Carbon and Coronavirus

carbon and covid

There has been an exponential increase in CO2 emissions over the last century. This increase has contributed to warming in the atmosphere, which causes an increase in severe weather events, such as droughts, floods, and storms, which in turn causes food, water, and shelter insecurity for people, as well as the destruction of ecosystems and plant and animal species. In conflict areas, climate change is recognized as a “threat multiplier.”