On-Going Personal Development in Community
You Are Sent, the Constitution and Directory of the international Congregation of the School Sisters of Notre Dame, states that “personal development in community is a life-long process” (YAS C118) and that in her “personal development in community, each sister strives for genuine self-direction which enables her
- to deepen her relationship with Christ and her dedication to his mission, according to her vowed commitment, our constitution and charism;
- to grow as a vital member of our community, which seeks to know and do God’s will;
- to minister more consciously out of a prophetic global vision of all humanity united in Christ;
- to live creatively with the tension between the active and contemplative dimensions of her life.” (YAS GD 114)
You Are Sent (GD 123) acknowledges that “ongoing development occurs primarily in our everyday life of creative fidelity to God, to his call, and to our charism and constitution.”
In all they do, the OPDIC Committee keeps in mind the directives outlined in You Are Sent as well as keeping a contemplative focus opportunities which are rooted in the vision and goals of :
- You Are Sent;
- Laudato Si;
- Love Gives Everything (Congregation Directional Statement, October 24,2017);
- Province Initiatives;
- Creation-Centered Spirituality and Ecological Justice;
- The Christian Liturgical Calendar;
- Vatican II Theology and Spirituality.