The SSND Teacher Training Program in Haiti continues to flourish. Please read about the efforts to support student-made Mother Tongue Books and the Videos being created by NDMU faculty member Lisa Pallet to continue Teacher Training in the Time of COVD.
Each year on May 9, the anniversary of her death, we remember and look to Blessed Theresa as a guide for our own lives and times, and pray that the charism entrusted to her might continue to find life and expression in all those touched by the School Sisters of Notre Dame.
World Day of Prayer for Vocations will be observed this Sunday, May 8, 2022. It is also known as "Good Shepherd Sunday." The purpose of this day is to publicly fulfill the Lord's instruction to, "Pray the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his harvest" (Mt 9:38; Lk 10:2).
Ecologists are working with the nation’s Tewahedo churches to preserve these pockets of lush, wild habitat. ~ Article from Nature Magazine
Congratulations to the following organizations, which have received Gospel Fund grants to support their missions.
Please reflect on this week's Laudato Si' quote, lean into living out Laudato Si, sign up to learn about online dangers for children, watch The Power of Big Oil, and much more. Dare to Care!
“Freed and trusting, we are ready to approach others openly in dialogue, to hope against hope, to accept privations, and to welcome insecurity.” (YAS C 16) This passage from YAS may be especially relevant for us now, when we sisters are also facing the tangible reality of war.
"After 14 years of research, Shannen Dee Williams – a history professor at the University of Dayton -- arguably now knows more about America’s Black nuns than anyone in the world. Her comprehensive and compelling history of them, “Subversive Habits,” will be published May 17." - AP News
On Monday, February 28th Ministry Services facilitated its third board roundtable conversation, “Essential Communication for the SSND Ministry Board Member.” Patrick Laorden, Associate Director of Ministry Services, and Mary Anne O’Donnell, Associate, facilitated the roundtable conversation.
Please reflect on this week's Laudato Si' quote, attend the Dismantling workshop in May, lean into living out Laudato Si, learn more about online dangers for children, and attend a dialogue about Sr Thea Bowman, FSPA, and much more. Dare to Care!
During this Easter season, Ministry Services is delighted to share with Sisters, Associates, and Colleagues a prayer to commemorate this year’s feast day of Blessed Theresa Mary Theresa of Jesus Gerhardinger. Honoring 143 years since her passing.
During the time of COVID, travel to Haiti has not been possible. However, the intrepid SSND Teacher Trainers have found a way to have Teacher Training continue by working through video. An amazing example of the commitment to education under the most challenging circumstances.
Our sponsored ministry Notre Dame of Maryland University (NDMU) is taking bold action on sustainability and social justice in becoming a Laudato Si’ University, joining the first cohort of about 100 Catholic colleges and universities around the world.
Please download the agreements our province has made toward becoming Laudato Si’ congregation.
Please read about the work of Sr. Patricia Chappell, SNDdeN, and Sr. Anne-Louise Nadeau, SNDdeN.
Are the institutions of the Catholic Church catholic enough to finally treat women — especially women of color — as equals?
Thank you to James O'Neill Jr., MD, for sending us his recollection of the SSND Sisters who influenced him and nurtured his academic growth as well as his personal values at St Joseph school, in Long Island, NY. Also, thank you, James, for all you do for children in your work!
The School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND) of the Atlantic-Midwest Province are seeking to hire a Director of Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation.
"Since the 1970s, Sisters have been influenced by bishops' statements, scientific publications and theological works about the environment. Today, Sisters worldwide prioritize care for creation as integral to their work." S. Susan Smith, Our Lady of the Missions
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